Thursday, February 6 – Friday, March 28
The Hunger Heroes food and fund invites teams of all shapes and sizes to
collect food and funds to benefit The Food Pantries for the Capital District.
It’s the official kickoff to Capital Region CANstruction!
This is a competition! Help Capital Region CANstruction make the biggest
impact in the world CANstruction contest. Registered teams will earn 1 point
for every pound of food raised and 6 points for every dollar raised – teams can
be made up of companies, organizations, groups of friends, families, school
groups, etc. The top teams will be receive a special honor.
Form your team and start your mission!
When registration is complete:
Your team will receive an email with instructions on the point system, what food and other sustainable donations are acceptable, and how monetary donations work. There will also be information on how to promote your food and fund drive complete with graphics. A member of The Food Pantries staff will send you a link to your fundraising page and a QR code linked to the page. If you have any questions, please contact Development and Communications Manager, Angie Weber,